forgetting, Wiesław Borowski
The word whose one letter has been removed likewise the word forgetting generates around itself a surprisingly concrete space, initiates the process of rediscovering a full meaning without demanding additional contexts and definitions. This space provides a completely new experience for the viewer. It is like seeing the word which is very well known to us for the first time so that it is necessary to recall it again […]
Forgetting is one of the earliest poetic notations by Stanisław Dróżdż, which fully revealed from the first moment the asceticism of its form. Recalling this word today, after thirty years, proves the universality of the poetic art which is almost impossible to be translated to other languages. It is about recalling the escaping word which, in accordance to its self-determination revealed by the author in the act of creation, managed to annihilate itself and confirm its immanent meaning. By striving to get to the core of the word in this way Dróżdż enables the viewer to experience a solitude, muteness and nothingness likewise in the state of dying. The act of removing a letter from the word generates an extending field for such an experience adding place and time for free imagination. This place and time is given by the author to the other people who maybe – after a short reflection – will notice that the ‘expansion’ and ‘spreading’ of the human being do not contribute to enriching their existence.
The fragment of the essay: The Way of the Cross, „Exit: Nowa Sztuka w Polsce”, no 2(50), 2002.