The agreements entered by Stanisław Dróżdż with art galleries expired [became invalid] on the day of his death. Since the year 2010 no gallery holds any valid agreement for representing the oeuvre of this artist.

Anna Dróżdż
Wrocław, 26.01.2010r.


I declare that I am the only inheritor of the copyrights to the works created by my Husband, Stanisław Dróżdż. I also have appropriate knowledge of the Author’s intentions in relation to each work and the ways of its implementation.

Any act of using and administering the works by Stanisław Dróżdż in any field of their application, especially in terms of:

– their implementing in a permanent form and reproducing conceived as producing their copies in a given technique like a printing, reprographic or digital technique,

– trading with the originals or the copies being the implementations of particular works in a permanent form including introducing them in the market, donating or renting the originals or copies or popularizing them e.g. by making them publicly available without my knowledge and permission is the infringement of law.

I inform that I in any case of the aforementioned infringement, I will claim the copyrights to the works created by my Husband under the provisions of the Act of 4th February, 1994 on copyrights and related rights. (Journal of Laws 2006, No 90, item 631 with further amendments).

Anna Dróżdż
Wrocław, 26.01.2010r.

Certificate of Originality of Work

I announce that these works created by my Husband which have not been sold or donated under an appropriate agreement certifying this fact are the deposits transferred to a given institution or individual person by the Author.
For these works created by Stanisław Dróżdż which have not been transferred under an appropriate agreement and do not have the Author’s signature I propose to initiate by me the procedure of obtaining the Certificate of Originality of Work. Any unsigned work without this Certificate will not have a status of an original work.
The Certificate of Originality of Work will have a signature with the number of a specific implementation of a given work within a strictly limited series.
This procedure aims to protect the copyrights of Stanisław Dróżdż and especially to ensure the conformity of particular implementations of these works with their author’s intention.

Anna Dróżdż
Wrocław, 26.01.2010r.