in-between, Henryk Stażewski
Reflections after watching the project by Stanisław Dróżdż in-between in the Gallery ‘Foksal’ in 1977.
– what we were yesterday and what we will be tomorrow
– fiction and fact
– heaven and earth
– the oracle of herbal myrrh and its opposite changing the life anew
– dialogue and monologue
– theory and practice
– imagination and reflection
– humility and brutality
– muteness and eloquence
– instinct and will
– asceticism and depravity
– lust for blood and peaceful benignity
– being yourself and superficial exhibitionism
– spontaneous decision and action planned ahead
– hypocrisy referred to as culture and sincerity of primitive life
The response to the questionnaire
The phrase IN-BETWEEN in all the combinations of its meaning as:
– a place in a spatial and physical sense
– an attitude to people and nature
– an antipodal emotional, mental, ethical and philosophical sense