The works of Stanisław Dróżdż as a part of the European Capital of Culture 2016


The project „Text paths” was realized as a part of the visual arts program of the European Capital of Culture. It introduced the works of Stanisław Dróżdż to a wider audience.
Some parts of the project were temporary: lectures, educational activities, discussion panels, an exhibition of the artist’s works on tram stops all over the city.
The publication of a tome of poetry „pozasłowne śródsłów międzysłowie” played an important role in popularizing the artist’s work. The murals of Dróżdż’s works created on the walls of tenement houses in the city also helped to introduce the works to a wide audience.
An installation by Barbara Kozłowska was realized in the Park Popowicki, based on a work by Stanisław Dróżdż.

Koło, 2014
Fot. Monika Aleksandrowicz
Realization based on a work from 1971, Nowy Targ square in Wrocław.
Project and realization by Roman Rutkowski

Zapominanie, 2016
Fot. Małgorzata Kujda
Realization of a work from 1967, on a wall of a tenement house on Legnicka Street 60-78 in Wrocław.
The mural was created as a part of the visual arts program of the European Capital of Culture 2016.

optimum, 2016
Fot. Piotr Masny
Realization of a work from 1967, Hubska street 35 in Wrocław.
The mural was created as a part of the visual arts program of the European Capital of Culture 2016.

Czasoprzestrzennie, 2016
Fot. Małgorzata Kujda
Realization of a work from 1969, wall of a tenement house, Legnicka street 60-78, Wrocław.
The mural was created as a part of the visual arts program of the European Capital of Culture 2016.

Barbara Kozłowska, Interpretacja przestrzenna poezji strukturalnej Stanisława Dróżdża „Samotność”, project 1970, realization 2017.
Fot. Monika Aleksandrowicz
An installation based on a work of Stanisław Dróżdż from 1967
Park popowicki in Wrocław
Realized as a part of the visual arts program of the European Capital of Culture 2016.