Publications (apart from exhibition catalogues)
– Stanisław Dróżdż, Concept-Shapes, „Odra”, 1968, no. 12.
– Publication of works, ‘Poetry’, no. 7, 1972 (the issue illustrated only with the works by Stanisław Dróżdż, with the note on the author developed by Wiesław Borowski).
– Stanisław Dróżdż, On Concrete Poetry, brochure published for the exhibition Polish Concrete Poetry, Oleśnica, 1978.
– Concrete Poetry. Selection of Polish Texts and Documentation from the years 1967-1977. Selected and prepared by S. Dróżdż, Academic Theatre Centre ‘Kalambur’, Wrocław, 1978.
– Stanisław Dróżdż, The Hourglass, Contemporary Art Centre Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, 1990.
– Stanisław Dróżdż, Alea iacta est; [in:] Stanisław Dróżdż, Alea iacta est. 50th International Art Exhibition. Polish Pavilion, La Biennale di Venezia, [exhibition catalogue], National Gallery ‘Zachęta’, Warsaw 2003.